doosare kram ka example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word doosare kram ka usage in english sentences. The examples of doosare kram ka are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., secondary.

The computed fields, representing secondary data, do not form part of data stored in tables because such data items unnecessarily increase the size of database.

The secondary data items can always be generated on the basis of primary (or stored) data.
In order to find values of such secondary data items, the query is based on computed fields.
Estrogens produce wide ranging actions such as stimulation of growth and activities of female secondary sex organs, development of growing ovarian follicles, appearance of female secondary sex characters (e.g., high pitch of voice, etc.
The testis secretes androgens, which stimulate the development, maturation and functions of the male accessory sex organs, appearance of the male secondary sex characters, spermatogenesis, male sexual behaviour, anabolic pathways and erythropoiesis.
Estrogen stimulates growth and development of female accessory sex organs and secondary sex characters.
If we control the primary precursors of photochemical smog, such as NO2 and hydrocarbons, the secondary precursors such as ozone and PAN, the photochemical smog will automatically be reduced.
For example, the mining of an iron ore is a primary industry, but manufacturing of steel is a secondary industry.
These are concerned with providing support services to primary and secondary industries as well as activities relating to trade.
Tertiary industries are concerned with providing support services to primary and secondary industries as well as activities relating to trade.
संबंधित शब्द दूसरे क्रम का के पर्यायवाची

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